General information: this app is intended for customers of Dutch public libraries using the Wise ILS (Integrated Library System). The app provides functionality to view newly acquired items, view loaned items, renew loaned items, make reservations and more.
Privacy Policy:the need for various permissions requested by the app are explained.
INTERNET: required to make use of the information and services that the Wise ILS can provide for app users (view newly acquired items or loaned items, perform renewals, etc.)
ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: detects whether the user's Android device is currently online or offline.
RECEIVE and C2D_MESSAGE: used to make use of the GCM (Google Cloud Messaging) system, with the purpose of sending push-notifications to users.
ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION: used when a user is creating a new profile in the app, with the sole purpose of providing a list of public libraries sorted by distance to his current location. Location data is not stored centrally on a server and is no longer used when a user is logged in.
NFC: used to make use of the NFC (Near Field Communication) hardware in a user's device. The user can scan the RFID tag to become some information about the item-ID or about the item itself (book, DVD, etc.). After scanning the item details and ratings are displayed, helping the user to decide if the item is worth lending.
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: used to preserve data on the device for connecting to the Wise ILS and for offline use. Data for offline use includes item covers and item details. No attempt is made to access any personal folders or data.
Privacy policies van de verschillende Wise Bibliotheken